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Nature,做作周论 10 August 2023, Volume 620 Issue 7973
Sustained wet–dry cycling on early Mars
▲ 作者:W. Rapin, G. Dromart, B. C. Clark et al.
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▲ 摘要:
在此,咱们陈说好奇号火星车在盖尔陨石坑的做作周论审核服从 ,表明在早期火星概况情景中爆发了高频率的出书干湿循环。咱们审核到在Y形衔接处衔接开掘出的文导具备硫酸盐富集的厘米级多边形山脊,记实了由于纪律强度的做作周论一再干湿循环而在别致泥浆中组成的裂痕 。
咱们的出书发现不是由撞击或者火山引起的无意偶尔水文行动,而是文导指向了火星早期不断的、周期性的做作周论 ,致使可能是出书季节性的天气。此外 ,文导由于干湿循环可能增长宿世物聚合 ,做作周论盖尔蒸发盆地可能特意有利于这些历程。出书
咱们审核到的文导多角形模子在物理以及光阴上与蒙脱石粘土向含硫酸盐地层的转变无关,这是一个全天下扩散的矿物过渡。这表明Noachian–Hesperian过渡时期(38 - 36亿年前)可能具备了相似地球的天气制度以及有利于宿世物进化的地情绪景 。
▲ Abstract:
Here we report observations by the Curiosity rover at Gale Crater indicating that high-frequency wet–dry cycling occurred in early Martian surface environments. We observe exhumed centimetric polygonal ridges with sulfate enrichments, joined at Y-junctions, that record cracks formed in fresh mud owing to repeated wet–dry cycles of regular intensity. Instead of sporadic hydrological activity induced by impacts or volcanoes, our findings point to a sustained, cyclic, possibly seasonal, climate on early Mars. Furthermore, as wet–dry cycling can promote prebiotic polymerization, the Gale evaporitic basin may have been particularly conducive to these processes. The observed polygonal patterns are physically and temporally associated with the transition from smectite clays to sulfate-bearing strata, a globally distributed mineral transition. This indicates that the Noachian–Hesperian transition (3.8-3.6 billion years ago) may have sustained an Earth-like climate regime and surface environments favourable to prebiotic evolution.
Martian dunes indicative of wind regime shift in line with end of ice age
▲ 作者:Jianjun Liu, Xiaoguang Qin et al.
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